Self-storage companies directory includes the major players in self-storage, recent transactions, and a history of its major operators. The self-storage sector is dominated by a handful of public real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) and numerous smaller companies.
Self-storage companies have seen significant growth in recent years, and the industry has become a favored asset class among real estate investors. The product can be considered as a niche one among the various industrial facility types. As of 2019, the self-storage industry was estimated at USD 87.7 billion.
Increasing urbanization in the U.S. and most everywhere else is contributing to the increased demand for self-storage venues. Living spaces are smaller and people move around more frequently, making self-storage a helpful amenity for today’s living environment. As well, the traumatic events of our modern life create demand for self-storage facilities: divorce and deaths, as well as disasters and displacements. Covid-19 as accentuated some of these factors, including young people and students in particular moving home.
Like most industry sectors today, self-storage facilities are designed and operated with additional technological enhancements. Self-serve kiosks, electronic-document signing, keypads at gates, and security cameras with 4K resolution. We’ll be keeping track of various innovations in this self-storage companies directory.

Self-storage facilities have been a favored asset class in this Covid-19-influenced investment era.
Our information about these self-storage companies is collected directly from the REITs, and from published press releases and news stories about the franchises, independents, developers and property-management companies. We also review news from the Self Storage Association, a not-for-profit tax-exempt organization formed in 1975 that acts as the official trade organization and voice of the U.S. and international self storage industry.
We update the Self-Storage Companies Directory on a continuous basis, depending upon transactions occurring in the industry. We’ll appreciate any news items you may wish to share to help us keep this up-to-date.