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happy holidays from The Adventure Entertainment Cos.
Adventure Entertainment Cos. has new website.

The Adventure Entertainment Cos., an affiliate of StoneCreek Partners (“SCP”), has launched a new website at AEC Creative – in Beta form.   Some of the client experience and specific projects that have been listed here along with SCP experience will be moved over to AEC Creative.


The Adventure Entertainment Cos. (AEC) is a conceptual design and project implementation company, focused on themed attractions, location-based entertainment, and outdoor recreation.  AEC regularly collaborates with StoneCreek Partners during the project feasibility and conceptual design stages of client assignments, providing early “previsualization” of potential site organization, project massing and relative scale, and exploration of guest scripting and experience.


AEC has also established ventures with 3rd-party organizations for the operation of niche destination facilities in outdoor recreation (GoBOLD Adventures), creative campuses (Monumental Studios), and living stories (StagePlex).   These new ventures are led by highly-experienced professionals in these industries, including Paul Bierman-Lytle, Justin Zoladz, and Robert “Bob” Johnson, among others.  The purpose of Adventure Entertainment Cos. having a new website, is to prepare for more direct-to-consumer communications about these coming destination facilities.  The Adventure Entertainment Cos. is committed to the creation of destination experiences for major project as well as smaller intra-regional locations, that combine the outdoor recreation, extreme sport, themed, and location-based entertainment industries.

Cold Chain Logistics is Attracting Investor Interest
Cold Chain Logistics is Attracting Investor Interest

Cold chain logistics is attracting investor interest as a real estate asset class, given its increasing demand across industries.   Although cold chain is a specialized kind of asset, it is part of the broad range of facilities within the office and industrial facility sector.


Cold chain logistics companies handle temperature-controlled and temperature-sensitives goods.  The logistics include all or part of the supply chain, including procurement, storage, transport, and distribution.   Refrigerated goods handled in the cold chain logistics industry include foods, beverages, and bio-pharmaceutical products (life sciences), among other items.


The increased investor interest in cold chain is interesting since many of the large operators and portfolios are somewhat historic having gotten their starts in the early 1900’s.   United States Cold Storage got its start in 1899, for example.   And Americold Realty Trust (Atlanta) traces its origin story back to 1903.


Now, newly-established global real estate conglomerates such as Constellation Cold Logistics S/A and Qualianz, each established in 2020, are bringing asset management and best-practices techniques from other industries.   And we’re seeing the acquisition and consolidation transactions to achieve operating footprints than can better support client supply chain issues, such as Lineage Logistics’s recent acquisition of Henningsen Cold Storage (in May 2020), and Americold Realty Trusts’ acquisition of Agro Merchants Group (The Netherlands)- also in 2020.



Cold Chain Logistics Facilities



For More Information


More information about the the cold chain logistics industry is available through our ongoing tracking services for clients.   A summary of some of this tracking information is available for review, clicking here ==>

Cold Chain Logistics Companies – the Latest


life sciences facilities directory
Life Sciences Real Estate is Hot

Life sciences real estate is hot among property developers and investors, and has emerged as a highly-desired real estate asset class.  “Life Sciences” refers to the booming industry made up of such industries as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, biomedical devices, genetics and genomics, and research and development (R&D).


Life sciences real estate is exceptionally hot among investors, as 2020 heads towards year-end.   The life sciences industry was already a top economic sector as 2019 came to a close, and this Covid-19 pandemic year has only propelled investor interest in the industry.


Life sciences facilities are typically clustered in areas with strong university research and teaching programs in the life sciences, and situated in proximity to other facilities and their tenants.  In fact, seven of the top 10 biological science programs are at graduate universities located in the top life sciences clusters of Boston, the San Francisco Bay Area and San Diego.


Some of the top life sciences clusters includes the following cities and districts:


  • Boston-Cambridge
  • San Francisco bay area
  • San Diego
  • New Jersey
  • Raleigh-Durham
  • Washington, DC – Baltimore
  • New York City greater metro area
  • Philadelphia
  • Los Angeles
  • Chicago



Life Sciences Real Estate is Hot

Life sciences real estate is a hot real estate asset class among real estate investors and developers.


As part of the office and industrial real estate asset class, life sciences properties are a more specialized and generally more expensive facility than typical general-purpose office and industrial properties.    The pairing of university bio-science research with private-sector life sciences companies seeking to leverage such research, is a more fine-tuned version of the well-known Science and Technology Parks that got their start in the 1950’s.


For more Information


We track the life sciences asset class on behalf of our clients.   We maintain a summary of this tracking online, which is available by clicking here ==>  Life Sciences Facilities Directory & Industry Players

Major Shopping Centers Getting Redeveloped
Major Shopping Centers Getting Redeveloped – the Latest

The major shopping centers getting redeveloped is illustrating the concept of highest-and-best-use for retail properties everywhere.


Trends in product and consumer preferences that were already in progress have been propelled by the events of 2020.    Accordingly, these mall repurposing schemes are less about better opportunities for these properties and more about the impact of the Covid-19 shutdown, the resulting failures of anchor retailers, and the continuation of consumer preferences for online shopping, among other factors.   Such is the state of the retail industry these days.



There is some good news, in that many retail properties are well-located in their communities, and there are alternative anchors - even all-new uses.



What has emerged is an industry focused upon highest-and-best-use and simply “opportunistic use,” for many of these struggling malls.   The feasibility analysis for these potential alternate schemes involves several constituencies, each of which has objectives for these malls that may conflict:


  • The investors and lenders that have capital tied up in these retail properties have their investment interest and to some extent they are agnostic as to repurposing so long as their capital is well deployed.   But repurposing does require new capital!


  • The local municipalities and county (or state) agencies having jurisdiction also have their role, starting with property and sales taxes.


  • Then there are the consumers, many of whom have a stake in having a shopping center in their community, and may not take kindly to losing part or all of their local shopping center.


  • Oh, and then there the tenants themselves who not only chose their locations to based upon co-tenancy provisions and the overall critical mass of clustered tenants.


Clearly, a lot of parties with sometimes conflicting interests, all are involved in major shopping centers getting redeveloped.



The Good News – Good News and Sometimes Good Alternatives


There is some good news.  In general, many retail properties are well-located in their communities, along primary traffic corridors, quality ingress/egress, and visibility from approaches zones.   These site attributes that worked well for shopping centers, in many instances make for excellent locations for mixed-use repurposing – often at higher densities than prior retail use.   This higher density can allow for projects to carry affordable housing components, which is a dire need in most communities.


The other good news is that there are alternative anchors, and even all-new uses.   Active mixed-use anchors such as multi-family housing, senior housing and care facilities, sports and recreation venues, health care, local college and universities (and their satellites), and location-based entertainment, can be viable for specific locations.   And there are the additional possibilities although not with the same synergies, such as data centers, fulfillment and logistics warehouses, dark groceries, and the like.


Major Shopping Centers Getting Redeveloped and Repurposed

Malls that have obsolescent designs or less than optimal locations given their customer support, are in particular risk during this age of mall transformation.


For More Information


With regard to major shopping centers getting redeveloped – we are tracking announced mall repurposing efforts.   This list of such malls is growing each, and we can now refer to our mall redevelopment list, as the Top 100 Mall Redevelopment and Adaptive Re-Use Projects.


Our Top 100 Malls in Redevelopment list is available here:


> Shopping Mall Redevelopment and Re-Use


The World's Largest Mega Projects
The World’s Largest Mega Projects – the Latest

The world’s largest mega projects are tracked in our Global Top 100 index, including primarily private-sector and public-private real estate projects.  The largest of these mega projects are typically mixed-use (or multi-use as the Urban Land Institute may suggest), involve regeneration (redevelopment) of existing properties, and cost in excess of USD $1 billion.


There is great variety in these megaprojects.  In general, no two are alike since each is customized to its location, setting, and economic circumstances.   Some such as  the redevelopment of Philadelphia Energy Solutions’ refinery in Philadelphia include a large land area (here, 1,300 acres) and a vision of a huge build-out (15 million square feet).  Other mega-projects are developed at much higher densities on smaller project sites.  Sunnyside Yard Queen in New York is a proposed $14.5 billion development on 180 acres, that would include 12,000 house units.


During 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has not obviated interest in these projects proceeding, and in fact, new projects have been announced.


The Global Top 100 Mega Projects also include what are essentially, all-new cities.   Eko Atlantic in Lagos (Nigeria) is situated on 2,471 acres of coastal landfill and is well into development.   Egypt’s new capital city is under construction east of Cairo, and is a massive investment intended to fully replace Cairo in its central governance role.


The public sector is frequently a partner in these projects since the regional economic development impact can be enormous, net of public investment in infrastructure and other incentives.


During 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has certainly impacted the planning and construction of new mega projects, but in general, has not obviated investor and governmental interest in these projects proceeding.  In fact, new projects have been announced in the midst of the pandemic.



The World's Largest Mega Projects



Defining a Mega-Project

Most definitions offered for mega projects define such projects as having a capital budget in excess of USD $1 billion. According to the Oxford Handbook of Megaproject Management, “Megaprojects are large-scale, complex ventures that typically cost $1 billion or more, take many years to develop and build, involve multiple public and private stakeholders, are transformational, and impact millions of people.”


For more Information

Our ongoing mega project research is available here > Global Top 100 Mega Projects – the Latest List

ICD Announces Dubai Global Connect
Wholesale Trade Market for Dubai, in Development

SCP’s Project Monitor


A wholesale trade market for Dubai is now under development, to propel Dubai as a destination for global players in wholesale trade.   Investment Corporation of Dubai (“ICD”) is creating the one million SF wholesale mart, to be named Dubai Global Connect (“DGC”).


Also known as “The City of Trade,” the DGC is a next economic development program for an emirate well-known for such innovations.   The facility will boost Dubai as a global destination for players active in wholesale trade.  ICD is a sovereign wealth fund of the United Arab Emirates.


The initial focus of the BtoB wholesale market will be in three industry sectors:   furniture and living, food, and fashion.  Wholesale markets around the world offer permanent showroom spaces that are open to qualified retail buyers and designers, manufacturers, and industry professionals, and can be fitted-out by sellers according to their own style and budget. The showrooms are closed to the general public.


Market Center Management Company, Ltd. (Dallas) has signed on in strategic alliance with DGC for the development and management of the facility.  MCMC operates ShanghaiMart, Trade Mart Brussels, and Dallas Market Center.


ICD’s announcement and a description of this wholesale trade market for Dubai, is covered in a recent article by Arabian Business: Dubai unveils plan for giant B2B wholesale market

Retailer bankruptcies and store closings.
Lifestyle Retail Centers the “Evergreen” for Malls?
As winners and losers become apparent, lifestyle centers may be well-poised for the future.

Are lifestyle retail centers, the “evergreen” among mall formats?    For several important reasons, we believe this may be true.


Let’s start with the capacity for lifestyle retail centers to adapt and retrofit over time.   Most of the best lifestyle centers feature single-story retail, or at maximum two-story.    And these centers are also commonly set up in main street configurations, sometimes even with a city grid (block) format.   As the businesses that reside in a lifestyle change evolve, grow, get replaced, and the like, the cost of change-outs are simply less expensive than enclosed malls or shopping centers set within fixed overall shells.


Lifestyle retail centers are also less likely to be anchored by the department store and big box retailers that are facing their possible obsolescence.  And where a lifestyle center has been “anchored” by a retailer or lifestyle center (such as a fitness club) that has lost its lease, the vacant store and its pad are not difficult to re-purpose for even a new land use.   And since such anchors typically have had some amount of adjacent dedicated parking, re-configuring a building shell is somewhat more flexible when some surface parking is used.


Like politics, the feasibility and success of all lifestyle centers are local.    Accordingly, as local market conditions change and consumer preferences evolve, the mall product augmentations may head towards location-based entertainment, to mixed-use reconfiguration, and of course, a full scraping of the original mall concept.   Some of the reconfiguration possible include last-mile fulfillment for online retailers as well as dark grocers handling similar online fulfillment.   Shopping centers are usually well-located with regard to their local customer support for of course these centers work well for fullfillment.


Then there’s the placemaking and “gathering place” aspects of lifestyle retail centers.   The open-air design of lifestyle centers is conducive to providing attractive (and green) walkways, approaches from parking, sunshine (when available), and outdoor settings and structures that we all of enjoy.   When a shopping trip is more about having an experience, enjoying some camaraderie, and doing some people watching, it becomes apparent that … just maybe … lifestyle retail centers may be the new mall “evergreen” format.


Our directory and history of lifestyle retail centers, is available at the link provided below.



Lifestyle retail centers the new mall evergreen?

Lifestyle retail centers may be the new mall evergreen, in terms of mall configuration and customer appeal.

Film Studios Development Consultants - SCP Experience
There Are 20+ New Film Studios in Development, Worldwide
Much of the development is occurring in the U.K., Canada, and in New York.

There are 20+ new film studios in development worldwide.   The slate of new production facilities is coming to market even as the global film industry copes with re-opening after the Covid-19 pandemic and the concurrent economic shutdown.


In fact, the number and scale of these new stages and production support venues may be at an all-time high for delivery of such facilities within a couple-year period.  As well, this surge of studio development arrives just as burgeoning content production has been overwhelming existing facilities.  In the following, we’re sure a few of these will lag due to financing and local land use approvals, but regardless, there’s a lot coming.


This new facility surge is primarily focused in the U.K., in Canada, and within the U.S., in the New York and New Jersey.  Many of these new film studios are coming to market as a direct result of visionary public officials seeking local economic development through creative repurposing of former warehouses, rail yards,  factories, and industrial buildings.


In the U.K., new film studios coming to market include Ashford International Studios (former Newton railway works site), Blackhall Studios (Reading), Dagenham Film Studios (at London East Business and Technical Park), OMA Film Studios (London), and Sky Studios (Elstree).  Mercian Studios (Birmingham) may also be on the horizon but does not appear to have a project site fully confirmed.    The Dagenham project may lag a bit with Pacifica Ventures having dropped out after being awarded the tender.


Over in Scotland, First Stage Studio (Port of Leith) now has a developer having won the tender by Screen Scotland for a repurposed site that has been used temporarily production of portions of the Disney/Marvel film, Avengers: Infinity War.


Among the largest new facilities coming to Canada are Martini Film Studios (Langley, BC) and Studio City Toronto (Ontario), and possibility, along with First Studio City (Markham) and Aeon Studio Group’s Hamilton Studio District.


In New York and New Jersey, newly-arriving film studios include Lionsgate Studios (Yonkers)), Netflix New York (Brooklyn), Sunset Park (Bush Terminal), Robert De Niro’s Wildflower Film Studio (Queens), as well as in New Jersey – Caven Point Studios (Jersey City) and the Industry Go facilities also in Jersey City.


A full list of the 20+ new film studios in development is provided in the Global Directory of Film Studios at the link below, along with a roll call of existing facilities worldwide.

Sports mega-complexes the new multi-purpose anchor
Sports Mega-Complexes are a Flexible Anchor; a New Kind of Gathering Place

SCP’s Projects Tracking & Monitoring


Sports mega-complexes (“SMC’s”) are a flexible new anchor for private and public sector projects.   The term “sports mega-complexes” refers to facilities that include playing fields (and surfaces), practice facilities, and support amenities, for more than one sport as part of a single integrated complex.   Sports mega-complexes can be outdoor, indoor, or a combination of both.


The coming generation of sports mega-complexes will pull from an array of “best practices” culled from like-kind venues.  Consider, the real estate industry has already grown accustomed to fitness venues situated within shopping centers.    Communities and private developers have now made the case for sports mega-complexes.   Some family entertainment center (FEC) operators have brought elements of both place-products within their facilities.   Even elements of so-called “recreation adventure parks” are adaptable and worthy for a role in sports mega-complexes.


All of the above place-products are adaptable to relatively horizontal suburban and exurban locations, as well as more dense (vertical) urban settings.    The best mix of activities for a particular location is a matter of consumer demand and preferences in a local market.   Given the variation possible with the place-product, sports mega-complexes are a flexible anchor for consideration in a variety of real estate settings – malls, mixed-use, town centers, and of course, standalone community center locations.


Some examples past and present include Cocov Destinations’ repurposing of Summit Mall in Niagara Falls, to form the Niagara International Sports & Entertainment (NISE) complex.  Cocov has not only slated indoor and outdoor sports at NISE but has an adjoining outdoor soccer and baseball playing fields complex in planning.


Another very different example, Sport Center Las Vegas (1998), was a terrific new place-product that happened to be developed at a poor location, but included both indoor and outdoor sports and entertainment in a themed setting;  some nice ideas worthy of consideration for upcoming developments.

Sports Mega-Complex the new Anchor?


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